Sunday, September 20, 2009

2009 Charlottesville Boys and Girls Club Challenge Ride

Great ride today! Fund raiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Charlottesville. About 300 people started the day. Gang raised something in the neighborhood of $140K - what I remember hearing, please forgive the lack of accuracy.

A group of Challenge Riders - ages 7 to 17 - had spent the better part of the summer getting some coaching from some local road riders and looked like they had a great time. Talked to a 7-year old who had ridden 31 miles. About 20 minutes later he spotted riding around the parking lot popping wheelies! Ah to be 7 an have an endless reservoir of energy!

Here's the scoop on the ride. 2 loops. Total about 60 miles. ~2,300 ft of climbing. Gorgeous country!

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