Monday, June 29, 2009

The Long Brick

I'm sure some will see the title of this post and assume some sort of massive 5 hour workout. Sorry to disappoint. This is a simple, but highly effective brick workout I've done the last couple weeks. The ride portion is 30 miles with the option to for 10 additional moderately flat miles depending on how one feels. This is a pretty big workout that helps me build a lot of confidence as well as fitness.

Ride - 30 miles (or 40 if you're ambitious) Boonesville Loop:

Run - 8 miles hilly, dirt road Ridge Rd:

The ride is fun in that the second half is mostly downhill & fast. Of course the downside is that you have to go up the hills first in order to comeback down. The run is a dirt road the whole way, but it's rolling hills, so a great workout. Good stuff.

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